The Mastercard AfOx Scholarship

Mastercard AfOx Scholarship (2024)

The Mastercard AfOx Scholarship is being offered by the University of Oxford and the Mastercard Foundation to worthy individuals eager to pursue graduate studies at the University of Oxford and have a strong sense of local roots and global perspective.

The Mastercard AfOx Scholarship

The University of Oxford and the Mastercard Foundation have an innovative and aspirational partnership through the Africa Oxford Initiative (AfOx) and the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program.

Through the agreement, 400 young African scholars can enroll in taught Masters programs at the University of Oxford that focus on pandemic preparedness and recovery, with full funding provided.

The foundation of the Mastercard AfOx Scholarship program is the shared values of community, empathy, inclusion, collegiality, and dedication between AfOx and the Mastercard Foundation.

The Scholarship offers financial support for a rigorous one-year Master’s program at Oxford University.

The program’s objectives are to equip the Scholars with relevant technical, entrepreneurial, and leadership skills as well as to give them access to world-class resources in their respective fields.

Requirement for Mastercard AfOx Scholarship

To be eligible for the University of Oxford Mastercard Scholarship for 2025, please:

1. Possess African nationality.

2. By the deadline for your selected program of study, submit your application to the University of Oxford using the graduate admissions site, making sure to mention that you would like to apply for AfOx financing.

3. The required place of residence for students from displaced and refugee backgrounds will be taken into consideration.

4. The work particularly highlights scholars who have previously been underrepresented, such as women, people from refugee and displaced origins, and scholars with impairments.

5. Please read the Application Guide thoroughly before applying.

6. It is strongly recommended that you submit your application together with all necessary supporting documents no later than one week before the start of your course.


Duration and Reward of Mastercard AfOx Scholarship

1. This full-cost fellowship, which covers living expenses and tuition for international students, is open to master’s students.

2. Other logistical help provided by the scholarship includes a return economy ticket, costs for the Immigration Health Surcharge and visa, a stipend for settling in, and access to a Thrive Fund for emergencies.

3. The scholars engage in a rigorous academic Master’s degree at Oxford and a Leadership and Impact degree during their first year, which equips them with the collaborative leadership abilities required to develop cross-sector, multidisciplinary solutions to difficult social and environmental problems.

4. Scholars will receive support to complete their Ubuntu Period of Service, which entails a 4-6 month placement in top African organizations, following the completion of their Master’s program.

5. The Skoll Centre for Social Enterprise collaborates with the Scholars to offer a customized Leadership and Impact Program, as well as specialized academic and social assistance during their studies.

How to Apply for MasterCard AfOx Scholarship

Interested and eligible candidates should do the following to apply for the University of Oxford’s Mastercard AfOx Scholarship:

1. Press the following link to access the scholarship page.

2. Declare your desire to be considered for AfOx funding when you apply to the University of Oxford for a graduate degree.

3. For many low-income countries, the £75 Oxford University Masters application price is waived upon request; see the application fee waiver section.

4. To receive assistance with Oxford applications and maybe receive a cost waiver for their nation of residence, prospective applicants may apply to the Afrisoc Mentoring program.

5. Before submitting your application through the Applicant Portal, please send an email to if you have any questions about the application fee.

6. Candidates are then invited to apply for the AfOx Graduate Scholarship Program after receiving a conditional offer from their course.

7. All invited candidates will need to fill out the AfOx Graduate Scholarship questionnaire throughout the application process.

8. The shortlisted candidates will have virtual interviews before selection; the timetable will be made public during the interview stage.


Application Deadline

January 2025.

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