Margaret McNamara Educational Grants

Margaret McNamara Educational Grants (2024)

The Margaret McNamara Educational Grants (MMEG) program provides financial aid to women so they can continue their education. The grant, totaling US$7,000 in the Trinity, Africa, and Latin America programs and US$15,000 in the US/Canada program, was awarded.

Margaret McNamara Educational Grants

Margaret McNamara Educational Grants

The goal of MMEG is to support women from developing nations who are seeking higher education to better the status of women and children in such nations.

Requirements for MMEG Grant Opportunity

Candidates must fulfill the subsequent qualifying requirements:

  • Be a self-identifying woman who, at the time of the application deadline, is at least 25 years old;
  • Possess nationality from one of the nations (apart from the Trinity Washington University Program) specified on the MMEG Country Eligibility List;
  • Be accepted—not just enrolled—in a program and institution of higher learning that has been accredited by in-person enrollment;
  • After the MMEG grant is awarded, intend to enroll for a minimum of one full academic semester (half-year term);
  • Aim to graduate no later than three years following the MMEG grant’s award;
  • Not be connected to any employee, spouse, retiree, or member of the MMEG Board of the World Bank Group, the International Monetary Fund, or the Inter-American Development Bank.

In addition to meeting the prerequisites listed above:

  • Applicants must also already be enrolled in one of the listed universities full-time or part-time (minimum of two courses per semester or term).
  • Be enrolled for a minimum of one academic semester (half a year) in 2025, which is the term that follows the December MMEG grant approval;
  • Aim to graduate within three years of the MMEG grant being awarded;

If you are applying from a nation other than South Africa that qualifies, you must have a study permission for South Africa.

Application Documents

Please scan the following documents into your computer before beginning the MMEG application procedure (PDF preferable, Jpeg or PNG):

  • Identity card featuring a photo:

(a) if you are studying abroad, a page of your national passport with your date of birth and photo, or

(b) an identity card issued by the government or your university that has both information;

  • The most recent documentation of the university’s official registration—not an acceptance letter;
  • Latest certified transcripts and/or reports from the university.
  • A page in the current passport including a visa or study permit (if studying abroad);
  • Scanned second passport page (if the traveler holds dual citizenship).

You will be asked to upload these documents at specific points in the on-line application form.  You will also provide:

  • A few sentences summarizing your background and highlighting the connections between your work with women and children in underdeveloped nations and your education, experiences, and goals for the future;
  • An assessment of your financial status for the upcoming academic year, taking into account living expenses, as well as your intended methods for meeting financing requirements;
  • An overview of your thesis, if appropriate, that covers its purpose, methods, conclusions, and connection to your professional objectives.
  • It is necessary to have two reference letters.
  • A faculty member from your present university must serve as one referee. Anyone (aside from family members) who can attest to your work and character can serve as the second referee. One of the people has to have known you for a minimum of a year.
  • Kindly get in touch with two individuals from whom you would like a letter of recommendation.  You will be required to include the email addresses of the two reference providers in the application form after you have their confirmation. The Embark online platform will send them each an email link to write their recommendation. You will receive a notification from Embark when their recommendations are submitted.

Application Deadline

September 14, 2024.

Link to Apply

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